
Ticket preferences are setup up per instance. The function allows for default rules that will be applied to the tickets for your specific instance. These preferences also provide the ability to customize certain aspects e.g. the email templates used to send notifications to customers and agents.

Default settings will only ready exist on activation of the CRM module, however you may edit them at anytime.

How to setup your instance's ticket preferences

Click on the CRM Contacts icon and select menu item Ticket Prefs

Click on the Edit button

Update all the desired preferences and click on the Save button to apply the changes 

Description of each preference:

Enable Customer Survey On Ticket CloseOn selecting this tick box you request a Customer Survey to be sent to the person who created the ticket, when the ticket is Closed.
Default New Ticket PriorityAll new tickets created will default to this priority. The client as well as the agent have the option to change the priority at any point in time. 
Default New Ticket Group
You can select a specific group to assign all new tickets to or select None if you which to leave the tickets unassigned
Auto Assign New Tickets
On selecting this tick box you request the system to randomly assign new tickets to any active user in the above specified group
Auto Close Resolved Tickets After HoursOn completion of the task the status is set to Resolved prior to being set to Closed. This allows the requester of the ticket to reopen the ticket if they need addition assistance or if they do not agreed that the issue has been resolved. Setting this preference will allow the system to automatically update the ticket status from Resolved to Closed after the selected number of hours. Note that the requested will receive an email notification when the ticket is resolved and closed.
Auto Assign To First Responder
Selecting this option, will automatically assign the ticket to the first person responding to the request. 
Ticket Created Customer TemplatePlease select a template for the email notification send to the requester on creation of the ticket
Ticket Created Agent Template
Please select a template for the email notification send to the agent on creation of the ticket
Ticket Resolved Customer Template
Please select a template for the email notification send to the requester when the ticket status is set to Resolved.
Ticket Closed Customer Template
Please select a template for the email notification send to the requester when the ticket status is set to Closed.